Board Simple Blog

The Joy of Sentence Pictionary
I have never seen a person not enjoy the game of Sentence Pictionary. I’m sure there’s a person out there who would not like the game. There are people who dislike puppies and kittens, I’m just yet to meet that person. The game is so simple to play that it requires nothing more than a few pens and some paper. You can add colors, to make the pictures more interesting, but nothing more is required than pens and paper.Read more

A Shy Kid's Ode to Mancala
One of my earliest memories of school was playing the game of mancala in class. I don’t remember most of the facts I was forced to cram into my young mind, but I do remember the satisfaction of scooping those smooth gems into my hand and distributing them around the board. My teacher had invested in several mancala sets for our classroom, and when we had downtime in class, we took time to play.Read more

How to Teach a New Game
Teaching is an art. There’s a reason people go to school to learn how to teach, it’s not the easiest thing to master. You might think it really doesn’t matter how well you teach a game. As you get into it, the new players will catch on, right? Maybe you don’t want to waste your time teaching, you just want to get playing. Here’s the thing, first impressions do matter.Read more

Gaming to Make Friends
I’m an introvert. I know this a shocking admission for a person who spends her free time making game tutorials, but it’s true. When people think of the word introvert, they often think of a person sitting in their room avoiding human contact at all costs. Yes, I have stayed in more Friday nights than most, putting together puzzles. It’s true, sometimes (usually) I prefer watching movies with my cats, over watching with other human beings.Read more

What Board Simple Taught Me About Criticism
If you want to know what you are doing wrong in life, just spend time with a little kid. The lack of a filter on a child is both horrifying, and also refreshing. That little kid will tell you that your outfit looks terrible. They will tell you that the hairstyle you are trying out is ugly. They will tell you that the car you drive is far inferior to the one that their parents drive.Read more