The Joy of Sentence Pictionary

I have never seen a person not enjoy the game of Sentence Pictionary. I’m sure there’s a person out there who would not like the game. There are people who dislike puppies and kittens, I’m just yet to meet that person. The game is so simple to play that it requires nothing more than a few pens and some paper. You can add colors, to make the pictures more interesting, but nothing more is required than pens and paper. The best part of the game is that those people, such as myself, who are terrible at drawing, can actually make the game more fun. If you don’t believe that I’m bad at drawing, just take a look at the tutorial video I made for the game. I drew those pictures.

I learned the game while in college. There was a group of us hanging out at a campus center and one of the girls told us about a fun game she knew. We all hesitantly agreed to play a game that seemed a little lame at first. By the end of the night we had played several games and many of us were brought to tears by the hilarious progressions of our sentences. Some people deliberately made their pictures misleading to influence the next sentence, other people were just so bad at drawing that the next person just had to give it their best guess. The best part of the game is the moment you unfold the paper and see where the sentence started and where it ended up. It’s just a fun game!

A Game for Killing Time

Another fond memory I have of playing the game of Sentence Pictionary was when I did a year of National Service through AmeriCorps. I was on a conservation corps and our truck got stuck on our way back to camp from a day’s work. A few of us stayed back as we waited for help to come, and the rest went back to camp. I volunteered to stay back, and after boredom began to set in I suggested we play Sentence Pictionary. There we were, sitting on the side of a dirt road writing sentences and drawing pictures. It made what could have been a terribly boring block of time, into a memorable, and fun experience. After that my crew started playing the game as a group, and it was a fun bonding experience.

A Game for All Ages

Yet another memory I have of the game is a holiday gathering with my extended family. There was a large group of us all gathered around the dining room table. The ages ranged from my younger cousins, in their teens, all the way up to my grandma, in her eighties! There are few games that can span that large of an age gap. Everyone had a blast, and it’s an experience I will never forget!

A Game for Learning

If you can’t tell by now, I am a big fan of Sentence Pictionary. The game is great for so many reasons, one of the coolest things about this game is that it can used for both fun and for learning. The game starts with a sentence, which is a great way to practice writing and language skills. Then a picture is drawn, which practices drawing, reading, and word comprehension. The game can also be used for large groups, so it’s can be a fun addition to places such as classrooms.